Why Cowgirls Cuss

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Charlie Diaries - Feb 15, 2020

A couple of days ago we stopped by the snack bank, visited with my buddy Taylor. He's my favorite!!

 Uh oh, that eyebrow went up......I didn't mean it, Cowgirl 

All the treats led to a snacksident. There are crumbs "on every conceivable surface" ........she called me incorrigible. 

I guess that means she's kinda picky about this truck. I jumped up and gave her kisses, lots, I think everything is ok again.  My kisses and hugs can change her mood in a flash.

More degrees, that's what we need this morning.  Lady, you are crazy if you think I am doing chores this morning!!   

You cowgirl peeps are NUTS!!

Thankfully she put me back in the house, and I went back to bed!

Breakfast,  that's more like it! My cowgirl fixed me an egg, over medium, mixed in brown bits and put it in my bowl. She then busied herself with other things, then walked into the living room where I was licking my bowl clean from the comfort of our recliner.  So, sigh.....a new rule..........it's fine for her to eat while in our chair, she does it all the time!

However, "Charlie is NOT allowed to eat while in our chair " !!!!!

🙄 What a pure double standard!!!

 I released my bowl as requested and back to the floor, I went.

Sigh, I'm on parole.......again. 

My cowgirl doesn't do any fast food except on a very rare occasion. Well, one of those occurred over the weekend.  I got nuggets at a separate stop. Btw, just so you know how much I suffer.......chicken nuggets come in a ten pack. How many did I get??? 8.5, because someone, ( not my cowgirl who thinks they are disgusting ) ate 1.5 !!!!!  So rude, Jason!! 

Anyway......my people had whatever from Taco Bell, and included in the bag were little packages. They used some of them, but a couple remained in the cupholders of our truck console.

We went on an adventure to see birds. There was a stop at Audubon Visitors Center at Riverlands where......SURPRISE,  I was a huge hit!! There were so many people playing with me, and asking questions about me that my cowgirl and my sailor could hardly look around. 

It is a super neat place,  with nice displays, and spotting scopes to check out all kinds of birds!!! 


You should go!!  It's in West Alton MO

Road tripping was next on the agenda and we drove all up and down "the great river road".

The eagles were less than cooperative but it was a great day regardless,  except for the days and days that I got left in my truck while they had lunch and then they did it to me again when it was supper time!!!

Sigh..... leftovers are a piteous attempt to regain my affection.  Sadly, they work like a charm.

Catch you later, this pup is worn out from being petted so much, petted so much my hair hurts! 😁