Why Cowgirls Cuss

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Charlie Diaries - May 22 2021

We're going on an adventure!!!

We're going on an adventure!!!

We're going on an adventure!!!

I booped my leash and harness,  

My cowgirl put  them on me, woooooo  hooooooo that means we're going to go do something fun!!  My favorite!!!

And she and Dad put on ...... yay, hiking boots!!! 

Road trippin!!!!  I was wound up keeping watch on all the cars and trucks zooming around, because it isn't like this around my farm, thank goodness.........when suddenly we turned off the road.......hmmmmmm, there's a bunch of cars in line........ it kinda looks like we are headed toward a cave, and I had heard them talking about caves this morning,  but what the heck????.....we can almost see Dad's house from here!!

A guy walked up to our window and I was so excited,  but then he just left!!! How can this be???? No nuggets for Charlie???!!!

It suddenly got dark and then......and then....... omg, it's the cave from hell again!!  All those things trying to attack me, gasp, I hate this cave!!!!  My cowgirl said I'd be ok, and let me snuggle till I felt better.  I even attacked those evil arms a couple of times,  well, I tried......they were outside of the truck.  They know better than to come inside MY truck!!  Finally the attack ended, and the truck was sparkling clean. 

We road tripped for all day it seemed, I was too excited to sleep…... but my cowgirl said it was about an hour, whatever.   We arrived at some cool caves in a  humongous super tall mountain. 

It's  the Johnson Trail at Salt Lick Point, near Valmeyer IL

I could hardly turn my head up enough to see the top.  There was some talk about elevation, climbing, and the "size of the freakin hill"!!  

I scoff at those hills, let's goooooooo!!!! 

We saw gigantic rocks and trees, plus various birds that my cowgirl kept naming off. I can never remember what they're called, but we like to watch them wherever we are.  There were flowers, and snorty things, too

There were also lizards,  including a lime green skink. I tried to introduce myself but he wasn't particularly friendly and just ran off. 

Oh well, back on the trail...... played in the swamp, watched some snakes, checked out some caves, and introduced myself to several new fans......... but only after my cowgirl said it was ok. She's got rules ya know. She's always saying dogs, kids, and horses should mind!!!  

The scenery was ooooood and ahhhhhhd at, we climbed on and marveled at the size of the boulders, and we took photo after photo.  I, of course,  starred in the majority of them, with my glossy coat!!  

Whew!!  Maybe  I shouldn't have scoffed at the hills, holy cow!

There was much huffing, puffing, sweating,  and panting ....... but we made it!!!!

We practically tripped over one more snake as we approached the truck, but all any of us cared about was fresh cold water. 

I road trip with my cowgirl all the time, and she either has a big cup that I drink out of,  or she pours water from a bottle for me to lap up, easy peasy.  Sigh, my Dad tried to give me water from a bottle but he held it up too high and almost snufficated/strangled me.  πŸ˜‰ Cough cough cough.......my cowgirl took over and I finally got a good drink! 😁

I was dog tired......get it??πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  I was helped into the truck, the AC was on blast and I fell asleep pronto. About a minute later we pulled up in front of the house.  I adore time travel, and everybody's truck is equipped! Woooo hooooo!

Supper was being discussed, I went to the kitchen to make sure they weren't going to try that raw  chicken diet again.......yuck!!  I watch cooking shows, and I do not want to get that fish disease!!! I don't know what salmon is doing  with chicken,  but it sounds terrible!!

Yay, it's pork steaks!!! My favorite!!

 I was trying to make sure Dad  cooked them correctly,  he called me Char Fieri.  Finally.....the recognition I deserve!

I know a thing or three about pork steaks, my cowgirl and I eat them frequently.

Now I'm stuffed, and tired, and trying to get them to go to bed.  Good night peeps!!!